Barrett’s esophagus


    Facing Esophageal Cancer in 2022

    Kaumudi Bhawe, PhD

    Difficulty swallowing, a hoarse voice, or heartburn has led to the dreaded diagnosis of esophageal cancer. What now? Origin, Types, and Stages of Esophageal Cancer If you or a loved one face esophageal cancer, it can be helpful to start by learning more about the disease and your particular diagnosis. Then, you will be prepared to learn about esophageal cancer treatments. Esophageal cancer originates… Read more »

  •   George Lundberg, MD

    Article from MedPage Today curated by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes: 

    A deep-learning Artificial Intelligence imaging system shows promise for enabling earlier endoscopic detection of esophageal cancer precursors.

    Go to full article published by MedPage Today.

    If you’re wondering whether this story applies to your own cancer case or a loved one’s, we invite you to get support from Cancer Commons.